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Nicole A. Yacura
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Supplemental Instr Leader, Student Retention
Office Address: 02, 223
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2970906
E-mail: nyacura2012@fau.edu (Preferred)

Jack A Yager (Jack)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Research Machinist, Harbor Branch
Office Address: HB01
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Office Telephone: 772 2422259
E-mail: jyager2@fau.edu (Preferred)

Annie A Yahinian
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Controller, Controller's Office
Office Address: 10, 141
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2974273
E-mail: ayahinia@fau.edu (Preferred)

Daniela I. Yanez
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dental Hygienist, Student Health Services
Office Address: 8W, 240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973037
E-mail: dyanez@fau.edu (Preferred)

Chuanhou Yang (Chuanhou)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Finance
Office Address: 25, 136
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972607
E-mail: cyang1@fau.edu (Preferred)

Jinnan Yang
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Postdoctoral Research Assoc, Medicine - Basic Science
Office Address: 71, 228
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970631
E-mail: yangj@fau.edu (Preferred)

Kathryn E Yates (Kathryn)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Program Asst, Jupiter University Relations
Office Address: MC02, 224
Jupiter, FL 33458
Office Telephone: 561 7998105
E-mail: kyates3@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ms. Toni M. Yazurlo (Toni)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Univ. School Instructor, FAUS - Henderson
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33445
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: tyazurlo@fau.edu (Preferred)

Emre Orhan Yersel
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Instructor, Business Dean's Office
Office Address: 93, 201
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972709
E-mail: eyersel@fau.edu (Preferred)

Seth D Yeslow
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Trainer, Architecture
Office Address: BC04, 608
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Office Telephone: 954 9799073
E-mail: syeslow1@fau.edu (Preferred)

Allen J. Yessman
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Instructor, Accounting
Office Address: 25, 119
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973636
E-mail: ayessman@fau.edu (Preferred)

JoAnn Yi
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Preceptor M1, Medicine -Medical Educ
Office Address: 71, 213
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970123
E-mail: jyi@health.fau.edu (Preferred)

Peng Yi
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor, Civil Env & Geomat Engineering
Office Address: 36, 224
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Office Telephone: 561 2972808
E-mail: pyi@fau.edu (Preferred)

Marcia Yingling (Marcia)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct, Curriculum, Culture & Educ Inq
Office Address: 47, 353
Boca Raton, FL 33431
E-mail: myinglin@fau.edu (Preferred)

Paul Y Yiu (Paul)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: PROFESSOR, Mathematics
Office Address: 43, 200
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972481

Jorge A. Yong
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Part time Custodian, Pine Jog
Office Address: PJ12, 2
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Office Telephone: 561 6866600
E-mail: jyong@fau.edu (Preferred)

Dr. Yan Yong (Yan)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Interim Chair & Professor, Civil Env & Geomat Engineering
Office Address: 36, 206
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973445
Fax Number: 561 2970493
E-mail: yongy@fau.edu (Preferred)

Chul Woo Yoo
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor, Info Technology Oper Mgmt
Office Address: 24, 219
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973191
E-mail: yooc@fau.edu (Preferred)

Anissa L. York
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Psych Pre-Doctoral Intern, Counseling Center
Office Address: 8, 229
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973540
E-mail: yorka@fau.edu (Preferred)

George R. Young (George)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assoc. Prof & Assoc. Dir, Accounting
Office Address: BC49, 428C
Davie, FL 33314
Office Telephone: 954 2361195
E-mail: gyoung@fau.edu (Preferred)

Michael A Young (Michael)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Research Machinist, Harbor Branch
Office Address: HB18, 101
Fort Pierce, FL 34946
Office Telephone: 772 2422371
E-mail: myoung44@fau.edu (Preferred)

Sherry L. Young (Sherry)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Instructor, Accounting
Office Address: BC49, 475
Davie, FL 33314
Office Telephone: 954 2361188
E-mail: syoung15@fau.edu (Preferred)

Mari T. Youngman
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Coordinator, Admin Services, Medicine - Dean's Office
Office Address: 71, 235
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2974341
E-mail: myoungman@fau.edu (Preferred)

Laura J Youngwerth (Laura)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct, Education Student Services
Office Address: 47, 230
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973598
E-mail: lyoungwe@fau.edu (Preferred)

Tasha Jean Youstin
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice
Office Address: 44, 217
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973244
E-mail: tyoustin@fau.edu (Preferred)

Xiaojing Yuan (Jean)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Specialist, Computer Applic., ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS
Office Address: 22, 231
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2974051
E-mail: xyuan@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ky-Hyang Yuhn (Ky-Hyang)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Economics
Office Address: 25, 151
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973224
561 2973224
Fax Number: 561 2972542
E-mail: yuhn@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ms. Sheila M. Yungk (Sheila)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Program Assistant, COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE
Office Address: 22, 160F
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970198
E-mail: syungk@fau.edu (Preferred)
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