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Facilities Adm Office

Azita Dashtaki Dotiwala (Azita)
Employee Position Title: Campus Planner
Office Address: 69, 103B
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970425
E-mail: dashtaki@fau.edu (Preferred)

Elizabeth F Duarte
Employee Position Title: Office Assistant
Office Address: 5, 212
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973167
E-mail: duartee@fau.edu (Preferred)

Carolynn A. Garozzo (Carolynn)
Employee Position Title: Senior Accountant
Office Address: 69, 107
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973144
561 2973144
Fax Number: 561 2972260
E-mail: cgarozzo@fau.edu (Preferred)

Mrs. Mamie L Jones (Mamie)
Employee Position Title: Senior Accountant
Office Address: 69, 111
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972746
Fax Number: 561 2971012
E-mail: mjones@fau.edu (Preferred)

Helen Hecht Kennedy
Employee Position Title: Admin Servs Mgr
Office Address: 69, 107
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973141
E-mail: hkenned2@fau.edu (Preferred)

Kerry L. Lowery (Kerry)
Employee Position Title: SUA Systems Manager
Office Address: 69, 104
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973146
E-mail: klowery@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ms. Angela J. Objio (Angela)
Employee Position Title: Office Assistant
Office Address: 69,111
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972204
561 2972293
E-mail: aobjio@fau.edu (Preferred)

William J. Robinson (William)
Employee Position Title: Coordinator, Computer App.
Office Address: 5, 212
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970051
Fax Number: 561 2972271
E-mail: wrobinso@fau.edu (Preferred)

Lillian G. Silva (Lillian)
Employee Position Title: Admin. Services Manager
Office Address: 69, 104
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970197
E-mail: silva@fau.edu (Preferred)

Sally J. Squire (Sally)
Employee Position Title: Admin. Services Mngr.
Office Address: 5, 212
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973140
561 2972240
E-mail: ssquire@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ana A Werner (Ana)
Employee Position Title: Executive Secretary
Office Address: 5, 212
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973922
561 2972240
E-mail: wernera@fau.edu (Preferred)

FAU Foundation

Sharon N. Brown (Sharon)
Employee Position Title: Asst. VP of Finance & Admin
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972892
E-mail: sdbrown@fau.edu (Preferred)

Samantha A Davis
Employee Position Title: Coor, Acct'g
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2972891
E-mail: sdavi137@fau.edu (Preferred)

Georgia Tipton Hill
Employee Position Title: Asst. Dir. of Finance & Acc.
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33431
E-mail: hillg@fau.edu (Preferred)

Nimisha Kolachapati (Nimisha)
Employee Position Title: Sen Accountant
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2972895
E-mail: kolachap@fau.edu (Preferred)

Abbey M. Lauth (Abbey)
Employee Position Title: Executive Secretary
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33445
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2972891
E-mail: alauth@fau.edu (Preferred)

Mrs. Allison M. Simpson (Allison)
Employee Position Title: Accountant
Office Address: 10, 295
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2970262
E-mail: asimps11@fau.edu (Preferred)

FAUS - Henderson

Juan L Abarca
Employee Position Title: HS Girls Soccer Coach
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: jabarca@fau.edu (Preferred)

Molly Rose Adam
Employee Position Title: FAU HS Academic Advisor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: adamm@fau.edu (Preferred)

Kathryn B. Adams
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: adamsk@fau.edu (Preferred)

Stacey Kate Ajram (Stacey)
Employee Position Title: SUBSTITUTE TEACHER
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: sajram@fau.edu (Preferred)

Cheryl Lynn Akers
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Instructor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: cakers@fau.edu (Preferred)

Sara C Anzardo
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: sanzardo@fau.edu (Preferred)

Leah Autar
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: lautar@fau.edu (Preferred)

Geri M. Ball
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Instructor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: BallG@fau.edu (Preferred)

Deborah Don Baltzer
Employee Position Title: Aide - Paraprofessional
Office Address: 26, 7
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973976
E-mail: dbaltzer@fau.edu (Preferred)

Loren K Barcenas
Employee Position Title: Research Assistant
Office Address: 43, 232
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973340
E-mail: lbarcenas2012@fau.edu (Preferred)

Robin Barkes (Robin)
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Asst. Professor
Office Address: 26,2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: rbarkes@fau.edu (Preferred)

Courtney N. Barney
Employee Position Title: Performance Adjustment
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2973976
E-mail: cbarney2@fau.edu (Preferred)

Debra C Barrio
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Instructor
Office Address: 26
Boca Raton, FL 33431
E-mail: dbarrio@fau.edu (Preferred)

Chrisencia F. Barzey (Chrisencia)
Employee Position Title: Univ. Sch. Asst. Professor
Office Address: 26, 48
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
Fax Number: 561 2973939

Kaitlin Rose Belgrod
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: kbelgrod@fau.edu (Preferred)

Miranda C. Bennett
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2973976
E-mail: mbenne41@fau.edu (Preferred)

Iris F Bernstein (Iris)
Employee Position Title: Senior Secretary
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2976968
E-mail: ibernst1@fau.edu (Preferred)

Jade N. Beserany
Employee Position Title: After School Counselor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
E-mail: jbeserany@fau.edu (Preferred)

Seena Bialow
Employee Position Title: ESE Substitute
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: sbialow@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ana C. Bobadilla
Employee Position Title: Teacher Aide
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: abobadil@fau.edu (Preferred)

Julio Bolivar Jr.
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: jboliva3@fau.edu (Preferred)

Alexander M. Bruens
Employee Position Title: HEP Camp Counselor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: abruens2013@fau.edu (Preferred)

Sheilla Brunelus
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: sbrunelu@fau.edu (Preferred)

Christine M Burger
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
E-mail: burgerc@fau.edu (Preferred)

Gabriella C Bustamante
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: gbustam3@fau.edu (Preferred)

Tiawannah S. Calhoun
Employee Position Title: ESE Assistant
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: tcalhou4@fau.edu (Preferred)

Elizabeth Cardile
Employee Position Title: Teacher Aide
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: ecardile@fau.edu (Preferred)

Valerie Joan Carroll
Employee Position Title: Substitute Teacher
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: carrollv@fau.edu (Preferred)

Ms Cherene A. Castillo (Cherene)
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Instructor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: ccasti15@fau.edu (Preferred)

Christina E Cecere
Employee Position Title: University Schoool Instructor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: cbrinkman@fau.edu (Preferred)

Tzeitel Z Chacon-Rosado
Employee Position Title: Spanish Teacher Kg-8
Office Address: TH26, 159
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: tchaconrosado@fau.edu (Preferred)

Christopher Robert Childs (Christopher)
Employee Position Title: Univ. School Instructor
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973970
E-mail: cchilds2@fau.edu (Preferred)

Veronica Childs
Office Address: 26, 2
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Office Telephone: 561 2973976
E-mail: childsv@fau.edu (Preferred)
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